In this blog entry I will be talking about" Strongholds". Strongholds for those who dont know is something that has a "Hold"on you and your life. It can stem from anything such as childhood trauma to resentment, fear, anger, regret or abandonment. These things can pause many blessings in your life and keep you from moving forward happily and successfully. Strongholds hold you back from your best and the best that is yet to come. To be set free from such a spirit, you must first recognize the problem, accept it as your personal truth and begin the process of breaking free! The enemy (Satan) comes to steal, kill and destroy us and steal away our joy. We give him power over us because we surrender to his lies and allow him to gain access over our lives, but it is time to take back what the devil stole from you! SATAN only has the power if you give it to him. There is a constant battle with "Self" asking questions like am I pretty, fat, ugly, skinny,smart, dumb and the feelings of inadequacy. All these things are considered Strongholds. You can not allow these things to control you any longer. Break free and surrender it all to God! There are many of you out there whom are battling depression. I know alot on this subject as I have battled Depression my whole life. Depression in our world means that of a 'Chemical Imbalance" or shift in hormones, but it's really just a stream of lies satan wants you to believe to keep you from your best and the blessings that are set before you. He doesnt want to you be happy. He wants you miserable to keep your focus away from God. So you have to decide and determine if you want these things to take over your life or you wanna gain power over yourself and have true joy in the now and future. Unfortunately, Not everyone is a believer of God, nor do they take the time to pray. AHA! that's the the trap that satan has set before you. He has you exactly where he wants you. Do you want that? You are not a child of Darkness, but a child of "The Light". Let go of anger, bitterness, resentment and cold-heartedness. Once you've broken free of these Strongholds, you'll feel the world and its burdens lifted from your shoulders. Its your choice. You can have all the therapy in the world all day, everyday but untill you accept inside of you that change has to take place, you will forever be imprisoned by the things that hold you down. Strongholds can be a person and or thing. Sometimes to break free you have to go to the source that is holding you down. If not, then moving towards the future will be a pretty hard road to travel. you will find yourself on a Winding road not knowing which direction to take. You will remain lost. Many of us hide behind our smile or our desk or our careers just so we dont have to face our demons or what bottles us down, but is that really fair to you? Are you not more worthy? Let Go and Let God!
My love I leave with you,
God's daughter,
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