Sunday, July 25, 2010

"Love Unconditionally"

Love....What is it exactly? We've heard about it in songs and even portrayed in film and television. We've gotten advice from relationship experts on the topic of love. But, what is uncondtional love? We all want to feel it, know it and experience it. We fantasize about it. We long for it. Love is special. Love is gentle.. Love is kind. But not all love is genuine. Some use love as a way of manipulation or used to hide behind a secret. Sometimes it's not always easily expressed because of past pain, resentment and fear. So again what is love? There's only one type of love that makes us fullfilled and whole and gives us the happiness we truly seek: unconditional love...true love.... anything else would not be considered love at all. It's an imitation of what it truly is. True Love is caring about the other person's happiness and feelings and not expecting anything in return from the other person except for their happiness and satisfaction. Unconditonal Love is when you spend your day thinking about the one you love and how you can continue to bring joy into their lives because making them happy makes your life worthwhile. Real Love is making foolish mistakes, when we fail the expectations of others or when we get in their way and they don't get irritated with you for it. That is true, genuine love that can get through anything. It can heal wounds and bind people together and create positive relatonships beyond our imagination.

When theres no real love in our lives it can result in emptiness which can be unbearable at times. We then try to fill that void with anything that feels good at the moment---Sex, flirtatious behavior, gambling, drugs, alcohol, money , anger, violence and the approval of others. Anything that's used as a substitute for real love is imitation Love. This kind of love never last because it's not 'REAL'. The only way to experience this type of emotion is to truly experience and surrender to it. Stop running away from it, but embrace it, accept it for what it is....A Feel Good Feeling of something so warm and true. Real love is giving up things that are not going to benefit you, but giving in to what is worthy and just for your life and your future. When you're truly in love with someone, all the other nonsense goes out the window. The only thing important to you is one you're in love with and respecting that person by not doing things to cause unneccessary pain. As humans we're allowed to make mistakes, but some can be avoided by using common sense. So many of us are seeking the real thing and if you've found it already, do what it takes to hold on to it and value it. Love Unconditionally!


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