How many of you remember this song by 'Brandy' "Have you ever"? Sing along with me now...Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry...Have you ever needed something so bad you can't sleep at night....Have you ever tried to find the words but they don't come out right, Have you ever, have you ever? Have you ever fallen in love with someone you'd never expect to fall in love with and lifes situations and obligations take you away from that person, but your heart and soul still yearns for that special someone whose missing from your pressence? That is called 'True love" The unlikely person you never imagined falling in love with is now one of the most important persons in your life, but you can't be with him or her at the present time because 'Life" is keeping you apart. His life, his career, Her life, her career taking you all over the world but in each others arms. This weakens my heart. Why? Because love like that shouldn't be apart, it should be shared with long embraces, soft kisses and gentle touches. But instead they're in touch through text, email or phone calls. This kind of communication is ok if you're away from each other for a day or two, not for months at a time. Can a love like this survive the ultimate test? Can it endure to the end? Can two people stay in love from a distance, or does it die? Can they find their way back to each other? Being in love from a distance has never been an easy thing, some make it work, others can't handle the distance. But if you want each other bad enough and truthfully, you'll find a way to make it work. We need to start working hard at discovering 'real love again and stop throwing it away at the slightest sign of a problem. Love is such a beautiful and fragile thing. Isn't it worth fighting for? the same passion you put into yourself, your dreams, your career, your success, the same passion you should put into your relationships to make it work.