Wednesday, July 28, 2010

'In Love from a distance"

How many of you remember this song by 'Brandy' "Have you ever"? Sing along with me now...Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry...Have you ever needed something so bad you can't sleep at night....Have you ever tried to find the words but they don't come out right, Have you ever, have you ever? Have you ever fallen in love with someone you'd never expect to fall in love with and lifes situations and obligations take you away from that person, but your heart and soul still yearns for that special someone whose missing from your pressence? That is called 'True love" The unlikely person you never imagined falling in love with is now one of the most important persons in your life, but you can't be with him or her at the present time because 'Life" is keeping you apart. His life, his career, Her life, her career taking you all over the world but in each others arms. This weakens my heart. Why? Because love like that shouldn't be apart, it should be shared with long embraces, soft kisses and gentle touches. But instead they're in touch through text, email or phone calls. This kind of communication is ok if you're away from each other for a day or two, not for months at a time. Can a love like this survive the ultimate test? Can it endure to the end? Can two people stay in love from a distance, or does it die? Can they find their way back to each other? Being in love from a distance has never been an easy thing, some make it work, others can't handle the distance. But if you want each other bad enough and truthfully, you'll find a way to make it work. We need to start working hard at discovering 'real love again and stop throwing it away at the slightest sign of a problem. Love is such a beautiful and fragile thing. Isn't it worth fighting for? the same passion you put into yourself, your dreams, your career, your success, the same passion you should put into your relationships to make it work.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

"Love Unconditionally"

Love....What is it exactly? We've heard about it in songs and even portrayed in film and television. We've gotten advice from relationship experts on the topic of love. But, what is uncondtional love? We all want to feel it, know it and experience it. We fantasize about it. We long for it. Love is special. Love is gentle.. Love is kind. But not all love is genuine. Some use love as a way of manipulation or used to hide behind a secret. Sometimes it's not always easily expressed because of past pain, resentment and fear. So again what is love? There's only one type of love that makes us fullfilled and whole and gives us the happiness we truly seek: unconditional love...true love.... anything else would not be considered love at all. It's an imitation of what it truly is. True Love is caring about the other person's happiness and feelings and not expecting anything in return from the other person except for their happiness and satisfaction. Unconditonal Love is when you spend your day thinking about the one you love and how you can continue to bring joy into their lives because making them happy makes your life worthwhile. Real Love is making foolish mistakes, when we fail the expectations of others or when we get in their way and they don't get irritated with you for it. That is true, genuine love that can get through anything. It can heal wounds and bind people together and create positive relatonships beyond our imagination.

When theres no real love in our lives it can result in emptiness which can be unbearable at times. We then try to fill that void with anything that feels good at the moment---Sex, flirtatious behavior, gambling, drugs, alcohol, money , anger, violence and the approval of others. Anything that's used as a substitute for real love is imitation Love. This kind of love never last because it's not 'REAL'. The only way to experience this type of emotion is to truly experience and surrender to it. Stop running away from it, but embrace it, accept it for what it is....A Feel Good Feeling of something so warm and true. Real love is giving up things that are not going to benefit you, but giving in to what is worthy and just for your life and your future. When you're truly in love with someone, all the other nonsense goes out the window. The only thing important to you is one you're in love with and respecting that person by not doing things to cause unneccessary pain. As humans we're allowed to make mistakes, but some can be avoided by using common sense. So many of us are seeking the real thing and if you've found it already, do what it takes to hold on to it and value it. Love Unconditionally!


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

'A Hardened Heart"

Hello Readers....
There is a lesson to be taught everyday. let's talk about a Hardened Heart. A person with a hard heart has closed out potential liars and cheaters or anything or anybody from hurting them. They have built a wall around their heart, afraid of letting anyone in because of past pain and or lies. But you see this isn't a wise thing to do. I know because I've been there, done that. I'm still a little closed hearted because of things I endured as a child and the things that I have seen damaged me a little. I'm afraid to seriously fall in love or let a guy get to close to my heart. But I'm working on this because it has hindered me in moving forward with my life and experiencing new and exciting things. Having a closed heart keeps you you a prisoner in your own selves and keeps you from enjoying your future. If there's anybody out there with any anger, regret or resentment, I advise you to deal with it before moving forward. If your heart is shut and keeping you from allowing someone to give you an explanation or apologize or even give someone a second chance is not so much you making it harder on the other indiviual, but harder on yourself. Open your heart, listen to what it says, block other voices and advice and listen to yours. What is it telling you? Now take it from there. From that point on you'll never have to look back and regret anything. 'A Hardened heart makes for a harder life, but a soften heart makes your life smoother. Pain and disappointment is apart of life. It's how we deal with it that counts. Like the movie and novel Live, Love, Pray! This is what God intended anyway!

-Tina La Rosa

"Learning to appreciate before it's too late"

Hello Everybody!
I'm back for another blog post!
This is about learning to appreciate the good things in your life that matter, like your family friends, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or fiancee'. These are things that matter and often times are taken for granted. Some think they can run around and do as they please because these people will always be there for them. This may be true to a certain extent because family and true friends should and are expected to be around for you, But also taking on this attitude and way of thinking can backfire and leave you high and dry because they just may turn on you and leave you to fence for yourself. never take anyone or anything for granted because it may just be taken away from you and you're left alone. Sure a person should have their cake and eat it too, but not at the expense of 'Overeating' if you catch my drift! If you have a good woman or man at home, you can't expect to have that person and someone else and expect your mate to accept that! Give me a break ok! This kind of behavior often results in loneliness missing your 'loved ones' or 'loved one' wishing for a second chance to make it right, but as i've said before that change starts with the mind. There has to be a renewing of the mind about how you see life and your future. If you lie down with dogs you're going to get fleas, so stop dogging the people who love you and clean up your act! Life is about making mistakes and learning from them. If you never learn, you never go far. You'll be stuck in limbo the rest of your life. learn to appreciate the things that matter. look at the beautiful birds that sing, and the flowers in bloom, the wind,the ocean or the moon! Look at your significant other and stare into their eyes and watch as you two dance there. Tell them you love them and you'll never do anything to hurt them. Smile, laugh, love & play. Thank God for each and everyday!


Tina La Rosa

Saturday, July 17, 2010

'Longing to Love'

Hello Readers & Chad & Cheryl supporters,
This is not my first time blogging. I've blogged before. But this particular blog entry is about two very special people, Chad & Cheryl. Their story, their relationship has been less than stellar, but I have a few things I'd like to get off my chest since neither one of them will speak to you personally. Their "Special" friendship started on DWTS season 10. They became comfortable with each other very quickly with Chad's charm and nice smile & Cheryl's witty personality soon flourished into something loving & special. They developed a strong bond that had them inseparable during the course of the season. Chad soon began lavishing Ms. Burke with extravagant gifts with a reported 10,000 diamond cluster ring and for her birthday, countless other gifts including louboutin shoes & purses.Mr. Ochocinco spoiled her and treated her like a princess. But then the end of season 10 was nearing & CC were eliminated during semi-finals. That's quite an acheivement! They were the 1ooth couple to be eliminated from the ABC show. in my opinion, 100=Perfection and CC brought that perfect unity to the show and each other. After being eliminated Chad had other engagements or as he would state it, other 'Obligations' he had to take care of. One of which is his dating show 'The Ultimate Catch' on Vh-1, while Cheryl had quite a few engagements on her own. Since then Chad & Cheryl have 'APPEARED' to have strain in their 'Special Friendship' like the following & Unfollowing several times on twitter or Chad's constant longing for Cheryl. Ms. Burke doesn't seem to be responding to his tweets or msgs to her, but Whose to say they don't talk at all. maybe so, just not on twitter. Your guess is as good as mine! They've both been quite the jett-setters traveling around the world for different projects/engagements sometimes ending up in the exact same city! Crazy! Whatevers going on good or bad, My heart weeps for them b/c it is clear theres is still something between them or was something. Chad has openly admitted he 'Messed things up with Cheryl'. don't know how true most of this is. Chad is not someone you can just figure out in one thought! He's spontaneous and what I like to describe him as 'The Riddler' he puts things out there that make you wonder or think to try to figure him out which often leave fans with a wondering mind. In so many of his fans opinions feel his Dating show 'Obligations' have posed quite a few problems with him & Cheryl. I have to say I agree on some level, not on all levels because i feel there is more to the story than we know and things are not allowed to be said. So I can't say for sure what's really going on. But if indeed Mr. Ochocinco has messed things up with the lovely Cheryl Burke and really is in love with her, then I'd suggest fixing it! Some doubt his sincerity to her with his flirty behavior with any and all kinds of women, when if you claim to have found 'The One' there is absoulutely no need to flirt and carry on like a little teenage boy. it is unneccesary. If you want a stable lifestyle, It first begins with the renewing of your mind and the way you see your life & your future. You can't always think in the 'Now" mode. You have to think what you want your future to be like 10 or 20 yrs from now. Do you want to be a 50 or 60 yr old man alone with no significant other to be there for you and to share everything with you? Do you want to remove things in your life now that will bare no 'good fruits' to you in your future? Your frame of mind should be' " I want a good woman to come home to who loves and accepts everything about me flamboyant and all. A wife who is a good listener, a good cook, a big heart & one that will be with me through all the Bull****. A woman that keeps you grounded and a woman who is funny & loves to laugh and is fun to be around. That's a good woman. Because at the end of the day that's all that really matters! If you want Ms. Burke to be your woman/wife, You must do what is neccessary to win her heart and her trust. Trust is not an easy thing to gain. You have to work hard to gain that trust. You must see her as a gem, a diamond, your perfect dime piece. You must believe you are made for her and her for you. Cheryl is not perfect because no human being is! I'm sure she has her faults/mistakes, hang-ups, attitude and all. infact, I'm sure of it! Cause if she didn't, she wouldnt need to be on this earth. She would be too perfect for this imperfect world. But what i do believe chad is that Cheryl may not be perfect, but she is perfect for you! I hope you realize that, stop screwing up with her and learn to truly love & respect her at all cost. stop the flirting, remove the bad apples out of your life. Prepare your heart, mind, body, soul & spirit to combine it with hers. Always be honest with each other. Love is a serious matter of the heart. It must be handled 'Delicately" Once these things are in align with each other, then truly can you two become"ONE". I love you both little brother and sister. God Bless you both. whatever the outcome is rather together or apart will be God's decision! if you two get married, I want my damn invite!!!

Sincerely, Tina La Rosa A.K.A 'Brownie Girl"