Wednesday, June 22, 2011

"Hidden Pain"

You hide behind a smile when deep down theres a fragile child.. Haunted by the trauma of years gone by, my, oh, my, have you cried your last cry?

You'd rather hide your pain or push those who care away ,but this will not solve your problems---not even for a day. For you, it's safer to not reach out, for your fears keep you in constant doubt.

You're in your comfort zone afraid to entrust anyone with your heart, your life will never change if you dont step out of the dark.

You've been scarred and scorned from the outside in, you must step out in faith and that's where your new life begins.

There's an even brighter future ahead, aside from your life now, release your heart and set it free, say good-bye to your past and let it be.

written by: Tina La Rosa

Saturday, June 4, 2011


This is a topic I think alot of us struggle with and that is the feeling of "Unworthiness"....

Many of us struggle with accepting a compliment or simply feel we don't deserve good things in our life. I know for me growing up I had low-self esteem and a low confidence level. I am still struggling with this to this very day. When someone pays me a compliment or say to me "I deserve this" I honestly think I dont deserve those compliments. I often think people are mistaking me for someone else when I'm payed a compliment. But may I add that you were born so that makes you worthy. Worthy to be loved, worthy of good things and worthy of a compliment. God, in his eyes sees us as the most precious creatures he's ever created. Why? Because we are made in his image! This is a reason to rejoice! God finds us special and precious in his sight! In this world we can never please everyone. There will always be criticisim. People are going to talk when you succeed and even when you fail. It's a "NO End" situation. You weren't put on this earth to please anyone but God, the creator and discover what your purpose here on earth is. Whether it's to serve, encourge, dance, sing or charitable work. whatever it is that is put inside of you that makes you happy. Often we struggle with the acceptance from others never satisfied unless someone likes us and if not we feel our world has ended. No, once you are comfortable in your own skin you will always have struggles with acceptance. It's that strong foundation that you have built inside of yourself that will carry you through the hard times in life. When you're confident in yourself not being accepted or being rejected will have no hard affects on you. You must first love and accept yourself for who you are before anyone else can. Live your life and be your best selves. You are worthy God says so!

My love I leave with you,

Love Tina